This winter break was my longest consecutive time off since 2009. It was great. We went camping out in Fredricksburg and rode bikes, did the old German Christmas town thing, went to a winery and played games. It was amazing.
First up is a video from the Willow City Loop ride we did. It was about 21 miles and a ton of elevation, but oh so pretty. If you have a vr headset please watch it in that with the highest settings. It wont disappoint.
Next up is a little 360 tour of the park in Fredricksburg. They really put up a ton of lights for such a small space.
And here is walking around the park in the day time and a little bit of fun things in the down town.
How about a sunset from the campground? Using my new Nikon Keymission 170 camera I got for Christmas!
We stayed at the KOA Fredricksburg and it was really a fantastic campground. Quiet enough and I liked that they didn’t allow fires, especially after seeing all the winery happy people at the end of the days. I mean some of these people were just a little bit tipsy 🙂
That is all the videos I have to share from my videos of the camping trip right now.
Here are a smattering of pictures!
Nice Vista
Almost done
Fiesta Winery ( closest winery to the KOA)
Nice patio
Come back soon!
Camper at night
The back side of the KOA had some long horns
Lets say HI
Big MOO?
Food Moo
Ok, so I am not that interesting
Well I wasn’t the one taking these, Quix did.
Walk away moo.
Moo But
360 at the tree
360 at the Christmas Pyramid
Down Town Fredricksburg
Big Pops Popcorn and Candy Shop
Inside Fiesta Winery
An the rest of Fiesta Winery.
I will try to get some more up from the rest of the holidays soon.
FYI All the 360 videos and pictures were taken with my Nikon Keymission 360.