I have not been good at posting things on here at all.
And well life and training does get in the way.
So here is a quick update!
3 more weeks of recovery until I start running again. (Maybe I will post about the epic bear fight that caused said injury.)
Missed Space Coast Marathon this year due to said injury.

Been swimming 3+ times a week for about a month now, and trying to start a swim 1km every day this month thing. We will see how far that gets in Jan with an outdoor pool.
Next race is 10/20, even if I am signed up for Woodlands marathon, I wont be cleared to run that distance by then.
Going to do the rookie tri this year, since a buddy is doing it as his first Tri.
Loving the 920xt, if you are looking to get a fitness watch/gps and you have lots of $ to burn this one rocks.
While in Florida we did get some diving and snorkeling in.

Goals for the year?
- Do 2 – 3 HIM’s
- Total of about 5 TRI’s
- 1 to 2 Marathons.
- Possible 5k swim.
- 1 century ride